What our most successful clients have in common

February 29, 2024

Back in January, Forme turned 5 years old (WOW time has flown!) and in that time, I’ve been able to count back our partnerships with almost 100 different businesses, different design projects, different business owners and entrepreneurs. From the beauty industry, to trades to professional services, to education to healthcare, both in New Zealand and overseas, Forme has certainly made the most of what can be squished into only 5 years!

Firstly, taking a moment to look back with gratitude and appreciation was the first port of call. Second was the realisation that one of the greatest gifts over the past few years has been rubbing shoulders with such a wide variety of entrepreneurs and influential business owners.

Over time I’ve found that choosing to focus on what I can learn from these titans of industry, rather than succumbing to intimidation and/or imposter syndrome is both the happier path and a much more fruitful mindset. 

SO, with all that said, allow me to share some of the insights I’ve learned around the mindsets and key drivers of our most successful clients over the years.

One of the most valuable things we can do as business owners to nurture our own personal growth is being willing to learn from others, to be sponge – open to new perspectives and glean all we can from those around us.

With that in mind, I’ve collated a list of traits, behaviours and mindsets our most successful clients over the years have in common:


1. Ambition 💫

This is more than your average goal setting. Having a CLEAR vision of exactly where you want to go, exactly who you want to be and the exact impact your want to make not only serves as your North Star, but is the core driver in what gets our clients moving forward fast in business. 

2. Strategy

Having goals is one thing, but goals are rendered useless if they’re not paired with strategy. Strategy involves thorough relevant research into the steps required to get from A to B. Strategy is the marriage between dream and practicality. Strategy is though-out, realistic and chops up your mammoth, life-altering vision into small, achievable, one-by-one steps.

3. Help

Our most successful clients know how to delegate. They don’t embark on the journey alone. They know where their own expertise lies and where it finishes. Making strategic hiring or out-sourcing moves creates space for you to focus on and nurture what you’re good at. It also means every other aspect of business doesn’t let your expertise down by being sub-par or by falling by the way-side entirely.

4. Objectivity

We all know it’s easy to get bogged down in the weeds of business ownership. It’s all too common to get caught in the feels, letting your output be dictated by emotions, by motivation, by confidence. Our most successful clients know how to create a healthy distance between themselves and their business. They are confident in assessing their own capabilities and capacities from an objective point of view. They track their business growth using hard facts and statistics and make strong moves in alignment with this.

5. Flexibility

In our modern, ever-evolving business landscape it’s not helpful to become too set in your ways. Customer / client needs and desires change over time, and the competition will change too. Our most successful clients are always open and willing to flex, shift, adjust and re-strategise their business models, processes, outputs and focuses to ensure they’re ALWAYS one step ahead and continue being ahead of the game.